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Jorge del Carpio

Born in 1957 in La Paz, Bolivia I graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

My professional career includes high management positions in the corporate sector, specifically in the construction equipment and telecommunications industries. In the late nineties, I grew my own wings and became an entrepreneur.

I am a free market fundamentalist known for my passion and creativity. I have a deep love of history, business, languages, animals, classic cars, and rock and roll. I am data-driven and adept at identifying and interpreting the needs of multicultural customers across multiple market segments. I am a firm believer in customer centricity as the foundation of business success.I love public speaking, teaching and inspiring people to fight for a better life and freedom. 

Career Highlights

  • Achieving sales exceeding $20 million.

  • Introducing Bolivia’s first cellular operator.

  • Operating a military food service under extreme conditions, delivering 15 million rations in seven years under contract with the US Embassy in Bolivia.

  • Pioneering a new camelid fiber dehairing technology produced in Chile and successfully introducing high-tech camelid fibers in North America, Europe, and Asia.

  • Developing a pioneering communication service for government and private executives.

  • Introducing variable printing and developing a digital application for quick product catalog production.

  • Currently focused on Far Out, a program dedicated to empowering seniors to become entrepreneurs by providing ongoing support, guidance, and motivation.


Innovatic Bolivia
Best Technological Startup

Seed Stars Bolivia
Finalist among 8 best technological startups in Bolivia

Start Up Chile
Seed capital and incubation of project
"Fibras Andinas Chile".

Proyecto RED Chile
Innovation tour in Italy and Spain.

Green Start Up 
Soil Cement Blocks for Ecological Construction.

Entrepreneurs Association Chile (ASECH)
Founder President in the Arica Parinacota Region, Chile

Banco de Crédito e Inversión BCI Chile
Outstanding Entrepreneur - Annual Memoir

Yo soy Chile
Personality of the Year, Arica Parinacota Region

Region ́s Best Innovative Enterprise

Public Speaking

Lecturer, speaker and motivador to academics, professionals and entrepreneurs Start Up Chile
Consulado General de Chile en Bolivia
Universidad de Tarapacá
Terminal Puerto Arica
Natura Bolivia

Press Coverage​

Diario Financiero (Chile)

Canal 13 (Chile)

Miami Herald (USA)

Wild Fibers Magazine (USA)

Revista Vanidades (Chile)

Zeitpunkt (Switzerland)

and other publications.


Municipal Government of La Paz
Advisor to City Mayor Gabriela Candia


Fábrica Boliviana de Vidrio - Marketing
Business Model development


Chilean Economic Development Agengy (CORFO)
Feasibility of a Camelid Fiber Processing Plant in Arica, Chile.


Contact Chile (ProChile y CORFO) Seed Capital
Competition Jury

Research & Development

Processing and marketing of Guanaco Fibers.

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